Greetings Melbourne
Video Update.
Royston Tan is currently in Melbourne, Australia to put the
final touches to the soundmix of his new feature film, 881
as he takes time out to record an update.
*As part of various plans to expand, the bodyguard brings
you a sample of what is to come in the near future, with
'Greetings Melbourne'. Keep check.
2/7/07 06:52
i see, serious work being done to make something real funny, ha!
and the poster's hot!
can't wait
mo top
5/7/07 15:52
Prinzess says:
ur films are ALL very nice very nice very nice very nice so u have done urself a service by living up ur dreams
be encouraged and be strong roy! top
16/7/07 11:47
You are very talented director. Hope to work with you in the future. Looking forward for your 881 release. top