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Thank you for all the support & well wishes from your comments & e-mails. Do keep them coming.
If you like what you see here, please HELP rtbg out and paypal donate or to POSB Savings: 024280438 to KEEP this site GOING. Any amount is appreciated.

Copyright © 2006-2012 Gitt Incorporated.
All rights reserved. Search powered by Google™
*updated February09. April12.

about Royston Tan

Director & Film-Maker.
Location: Central, Singapore.
Birthdate: October 5th.

rtbg Says

•For unanswered queries, do resend them & keep your mails short/concise. Please credit any materials taken from here.

Royston Tan's film gallery, full filmography or awards & achievements? Look up blog archives. Queries | Requests | Further Information | Media Biography | rt-bg@hotmail.com

our friends

Action for Aids
Asian Film Archive
Funkie Monkies

If you encounter problem leaving comments,
send in your entries thru rt-bg@hotmail.com
how to comment? click here!

POSB Savings: 024280438
raising funds to keep this
site running again.

881 Posters. Monday, July 16 |

Win Autographed 881 Posters!

Want to own a limited edition 881 poster? [All cast autographed]

To win, 
1] write in LESS THAN 881 WORDS, why you would catch 881 when it opens in cinemas on 9th August 2007. *Best entries will be selected by rtbg.  Send your entries thru the comments page.
refer as many friends to participate! top referrer automatically wins a poster.

1.leave your full name & email address at the bottom of your entry.
2.referrers, email your friends' names & email addresses to rt-bg@hotmail.com.
2.the bodyguard will announce the winner(s) thru the blog so stay tuned for the results.

Labels: , , ,

Sneak Peek. 881. Tuesday, July 10 |

on set stills 1

Exclusive Trailer.

on set stills 2

as promised.
more to come.

Editor's Note. Sunday, July 1 |

its been one year.
it all began with one sentence, one aim.
to bring you closer to royston.
Well, http://royston-tan.blogspot.com is officially one-year old. The past year has been a journey, I started this with one humble post and it has since become part of my life. For that, I thank you for your support. On a brighter side, I've completely re-done up the site! Took me multifold of eye bags honestly, but I made it in time. Phew. Especially dedicated to the man himself, just thought I'll surprise you Royston once again, big time.

FYI. Blog Happenings.
Music - Currently playing, 881's theme.
Poster - Official 881 Poster.
Banner - Lalalala. New Banner.

FYI. Blog Layout.
Top - Blog Banner. Last-minute news, Headliners, Infos etc.
Middle - Publicity. Upcoming Materials.
Main - Blog. *comments are now accesible thru clicking on the numbers beside the date.
Footer -
Links, Articles, Important Information.
The Pull
Updates, Archives, Search, Useful Info.
*tested on mozilafirefox browser. click on comments if the pull doesn't work on your browser.

Look out for upcoming updates & news.
The bodyguard is currently still working on new ideas to be implemented in the near future. A sincere thank-you for all the past year's comments & emails. Please do keep them coming & keep the site running too with donations.
Happy One-Year!

* a special note of gratification to felicia tan. gary goh. tan bee thiam. matthias (germany)

Greetings Melbourne |

Video Update.
Royston Tan is currently in Melbourne, Australia to put the
final touches to the soundmix of his new feature film, 881
as he takes time out to record an update.

*As part of various plans to expand, the bodyguard brings
you a sample of what is to come in the near future, with
'Greetings Melbourne'. Keep check.